Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My first post. :)

Hi guys! So i decided to try out this blogging thing to kind of document my life over the next two years. I am in my first semester of the dental hygiene program at Clayton State University, and I'm so excited to finally be in the program. I applied last year and unfortunately didn't make the cut...but I'm in now, and that's all that really matters to me :) Now, I knew that this program was going to be difficult but I never imagined it would be so hectic and so detailed so soon. This is only my third week of classes, and already I have had an exam, I have two more this week, I have exposed horizontal and vertical bitewings on Dexter, not to mention, I also have an exam next week and a competency exam in pre-clinic. I feel like I have absolutely zero time for anything besides studying, studying, and more studying!!! I know that time management and organization are probably the key things to help me get through this, but I honestly feel like there is so much to learn and so little time. Hopefully after these two big test of the week I can get an idea of how I need to study for future tests. I am so nervous because there isn't any second chances in this program. If I fail a class, I'm OUT! Yes, I said out. There is no room for error in this program and that's what freaks me out. On that note, I'm going to get back to studying the bones and muscles of the head and neck! :/ Who knew that studying bones could be so difficult! I am literally on the verge of pulling out my hair. Hopefully I have some good news to share with you guys after the test Friday. :)